It is an NPN type of Darlington transistor available on the To-92 package with 3-pins-Emitter, Base, and Collector.MkbElectronic Parts,Electronic Components distributor,memory,flash, integrated circuit,Original Product The following are the technical features or technical specifications of a 2N5306 NPN Darlington transistor. Pin 3: (Collector): This pin refers to a collector pin or terminal, which is connected to load.Pin 2: (Base): This pin refers to the base pin, which is used to switch the transistor ON or OFF.Pin 1: (Emitter): This pin refers to an emitter pin, which is generally connected to the ground to drain out the current flowing through the transistor.MkbElectronic Parts,Electronic Components distributor,memory,flash, integrated circuit,Original Product 2N5306 NPN Darlington Transistor The 2N6306 NPN Darlington Transistor pin configuration/pin diagram is illustrated below.

MkbElectronic Parts,Electronic Components distributor,memory,flash, integrated circuit,Original Product Pin Configuration/Pin Diagram The main drawback of the NPN Darlington transistor is the high base voltage of around 1.5 Volts. The maximum current allowed to pass through it is up to 1.2Amps, which helps to use in ideal applications of high current. The 2N5306 is normally called an NPN Darlington transistor with a current gain of around 20000, which makes it very easy to use in amplifier applications. In this case, the Darlington transistor is used. In some applications, the base current is limited and can’t be increased to increase the gain of the transistor. When the load requires high power, it is necessary to increase the base current of the transistor. Load Current = Input Current x Transistor Gain MkbElectronic Parts,Electronic Components distributor,memory,flash, integrated circuit,Original Product The formula of load current when the transistor is in ON condition is, MkbElectronic Parts,Electronic Components distributor,memory,flash, integrated circuit,Original Product When the input current is applied to the base terminal of the transistor, then it is turned ON to allow the flow of the load current. It shows the amplification of load current based on the input current of the base terminal. The main specification of the NPN Darlington transistor is its high current gain and high collector current (continuous). MkbElectronic Parts,Electronic Components distributor,memory,flash, integrated circuit,Original Product 2N5306 Transistor Symbol The 2N5306 NPN Darlington transistor available in the TO-92 package with three terminals such as emitter, base, and collector is shown in the figure below. It is used in various applications of power regulators, audio amplifiers, motor control units, and many more. It provides a high current gain when compared to a normal transistor.

One is NPN and the other is a PNP transistor combined in one package and looks like a normal transistor with the emitter, base, and collector terminals.

The 2N5306 NPN Darlington Transistor is designed by connecting two transistors together. MkbElectronic Parts,Electronic Components distributor,memory,flash, integrated circuit,Original Product What is 2N5306 NPN Darlington Transistor?

This article gives a brief description of the 2N5306 NPN Darlington transistor, specifications, circuit diagram, working with applications. There are different types of Darlington transistors based on polarity, the amount of power dissipation, collector current, package, CE voltage, and many more. It is configured by connecting two transistors together, which means, the emitter terminal of one transistor is applied as bias current to another transistor. In 1953, the Darlington transistor or Darlington pair was introduced by the United States Electrical Engineer namely “Sidney Darlington”.